As there are no other ethical hamster breeders in the Northwest, our foundation hamsters have been individually chosen from the best breeders around the world, then flown in to add to our bloodlines. Our hamsters have been regularly handled and go home litter box trained, with a pedigree certificate, life-long support and a gift bag of items we feel will help with the transition. We breed healthy Syrian hamsters with excellent temperament and show-standard appearance. We aim to give hamster parents the most accurate and up-to-date information to properly care for their furry friends. Today, we are a small hamstery giving adopters an ethical alternative to pet store hamsters which are sourced through rodent mills. This is where part two of the Hubba-Hubba Hamster journey began.

It turned out that everything we thought we knew about hamsters was wrong. We instantly felt like something about his setup wasn’t right. After recounting every story about the years of Hubba-Hubba Hamsters, we brought one home.

My hubby and I unexpectedly found ourselves foster parents to children we had mentored. We named our business Hubba-Hubba Hamsters as we had recently discovered the existence of the “Hubba-Hubba Heinie”, a foam tush-enhancing product we thought very was reminiscent of our hamsters’ round physiques and corgi-like behinds. At the ripe old ages of 9 and 6 my sister and I began keeping Syrian hamsters and making a custom seed mix to sell.